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2810 Old Main Hill
Logan UT 84322


The Culture & Mental Health Lab is currently comprised of graduate students in the combined Clinical, Counseling, School Psychology doctoral program at Utah State University and undergraduate students in the Psychology Department. Lab members are engaged in independent research in an interdependent context. Project content is in parenting, cultural values, microaggressions, and evidence-based interventions. Students are expected to be productive as a result of independent motivation and commitment, engaged mentoring, and proactive collaboration and support from a talented peer group as well as from family and loved ones.

About the Study

Listen to information about the research process!


Overview of the study

Heart2Heart (H2H) Online is a theoretically-grounded intervention developed by people of color for people of color. H2H support participants in their racial healing and wellness through learning about intersectional identities, racial wellness, definitions of racism, discrimination, trauma, and racial trauma. Participants also learn about microaggressions, microinterventions and empowerment strategies, build a Wellness Toolbox and practice mindfulness strategies.